Nut Job Hair Building Fibres for Men with Hair Loss

Nut Job™ Hair Building Fibres is an Australian brand with an Aussie ethos. We pride ourselves on providing top quality products for young Aussie men and women that are easy and natural. We spent years developing the perfect hair fibre product to give Aussies the best solution for a common problem.

Our decision to use ingredients that are not only top quality but also all natural has really put us head and shoulders (pun intended!) above the competition, so you can trust us to give you the perfect head of hair.

We love to hear from our customers so if you have any feedback for us, please contact us to let us know what you think.

Applying Nut Job Hair Fibres

As you can see, Nut Job Hair Fibres are easy to apply and so effective! You'll have a thicker head of hair in no time at all and be able to cover those thinner areas with ease. Our fibres are naturally derived from cotton and won't irritate your scalp or clog your follicles. They're completely colourfast and won't run if you sweat or get wet. If you're into water sports or want to conceal grey hair too, double up with Rootz Waterproof Scalp and Grey Root Concealer, and you're all set for a healthy head of thick hair!